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About Me
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Hello! I'm Micah


I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce in Information Technology at York University. My interests are learning about new technologies and how they impact our society and culture. My future goal is to make technology accessible and easy to be understood by any audience.


Welcome to my e-portfolio, where you can see my development in learning new skills and experiences.

Course Spotlight


Here are some cool research and writing skills I learned during AP/WRIT 2201 Effective and Writing Research in Information Technology.


The information about people, society, culture and technology grows exponentially. Being a critical thinker allows us to see the reason and purpose behind our actions. This skill is an essential asset in any future research or projects since being inquisitive enables us to justify our next course of action. Within Fast Fix Checkpoints 1 and 2, I was able to critically think by finding and generating info to help me see the benefits of following standard technical writing conventions.


Identifying and solving problems plays a significant role in the research process. When working with tasks, unknown issues can arise during unexpected and critical times.  I used my problem solving skills, such as decision making to evaluate many possibilities and determine their feasibility. This evaluation is achieved by reflecting on previous analysis and research with appropriate methodologies.


In many industries, effective communication has been the most critical skill for connecting to their audience. This skill validates that the individual is fully aware of their own skills and progress. Throughout this course, I have developed my expertise in communicating effectively by using concise language and active voice. Most notably, I have learned to handle criticisms in my writing and effectively use the feedback to enhance my work.

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